New Publication: In Defense of Participation

Reactor’s latest publication, “In Defense of Participation”, looks at the Draft Youth Law, offering comments, highlighting shortcomings and proposing solutions for a Law that would better serve the needs of the Youth in Macedonia.

Our latest publication “In Defense of Participation” is the result of Reactor’s involvement in the Initiative In Defense of Youth Participation. The initiative, which brought together 46 youth and youth-based NGOs, was launched in August 2011 as a response to the draft Youth Law that had just entered parliamentary procedure. In addition to the lack of transparency and inclusion in the drafting of the law, the draft itself contained numerous controversial provisions that  failed to address the needs of Macedonia’s youth. The shortcomings identified in the draft law included limiting youth participation in the National Youth Council to be established under the law, setting ambitious goals without providing budget implications or effective mechanisms for their realization, and adding unnecessary administrative burdens for youth organizations.

The publication “In Defense of Participation”, which reflects the position of 46 organizations, identifies the major shortcomings of the draft law, offers insight into youth policies on the international level and provides research-based recommendations for improving the process of drafting a Youth Law, as well as recommendations for better addressing the needs of the Macedonian youth.

The study is currently only accessible in Macedonian; however, the English translation will be published on our web site once it becomes available.