This project is focused on analyzing the different aspects of civic engagement through a study that looks at civic engagement in the Republic of Macedonia in the period from 2012 to 2016 visually presenting the data on a web platform. The study focuses on civic engagement from four different aspects. Firstly, it focuses on engagement in civic initiatives for the common good, i.e. citizens working together on actions aimed at improving communities. The second aspect is the aspect of civic activism, i.e. the attempts to solve various social problems in collaboration with the authorities, or by engaging in public hearings, working groups, civil protests, petitions and by submitting complaints and proposals. Thirdly, it looks at conventional civic engagement, i.e. voting in parliamentary, local and presidential elections. And finally, it looks at volunteering, i.e., providing unpaid help to individuals and organizations. Apart from examining civic engagement from these four aspects, the study also looks at attitudes that are relevant for predicting civic engagement, such as citizens’ attitudes towards the possibilities for civic engagement and participation as well as attitudes towards their communities.
Civil Society Project
Duration: 2012 – 2016
Web platforms: