The project ‘СкопјеРасте’ is an internet platform created to show and analyze city quarts Debar Maalo and Bunjakovec using few elementary and chronological parameters: HOUSING STRUCTURE – how it grows, expands and increases in density? PARKING as a reaction to the increased number of housing units. Which alternatives are offered by the Detailed Urban Plan and how…
New Project: Public spaces in Skopje
On December 21st, Reactor launched a new project under the Urban Development program called “Public spaces in Skopje: Transformation, Urbanization and Misuse.” The overall goal of the project is to engage the public in a wider debate on the urban planning processes in Skopje by providing a web platform containing searchable sets of relevant data…
Конкурс за работни стипендии
Фондацијата Отворено општество – Македонија (ФООМ) објавува конкурс за доделување грантови на граѓански организации во рамки на Проектот на УСАИД за граѓанско општество. Проектот обезбедува поддршка на граѓанското општество за поттикнување демократски реформи. Проектот е овозможен со поддршка од американскиот народ преку Агенцијата на САД за меѓународен развој (УСАИД). Целта на конкурсот е да им…
Request for Applications Grants for Civil Society Organizations
The Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM), within the USAID Civil Society Project (CSP), announces the Request for Applications for awarding grants to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). CSP will support civil society to promote democratic reforms. CSP is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International…
USAID Civil Society Project
Foundation Open Society – Macedonia signed the cooperation agreement with USAID for implementation of the USAID Civil Society Project (CSP) on February 27, 2012. The 30 months project will be implemented in partnership with four CSOs: Youth Educational Forum; Forum – Center for Strategic Research and Documentation; Center for Civic Communication; and Reactor – Research…